Berthoud Transit Assessment

Thank you for your interest in the Berthoud Transit Assessment! Below are resources and information regarding existing transit services in and around Berthoud.

Thank you for sharing your vision of transit for Berthoud!

The Berthoud Transit Assessment, along with other supporting documentation can be found in the links below.


Berthoud Transit Assessment
Review the final report to learn more about existing conditions, public engagement, service scenarios, funding considerations, and implementation and next steps
 View & Download


Existing Conditions and Emerging Trends Report
Review the Existing Conditions Report to learn more about demographic characteristics, travel patterns, and existing transit services in the Town of Berthoud
Project Fact Sheet
Review a brief overview and key highlights from the Existing Conditions Report
Berthoud Transit Service Information
Learn more about existing transit services in and around the Town of Berthoud
Microtransit 101
Learn more about microtransit service needs, vehicle considerations, and case studies

Helpful Information

Fixed-Route Transit

Transit service that operates on a defined route and set schedule

Deviated Fixed-Route Transit

Transit service that follows a defined route and set schedule but will deviate off route within a defined area to pick up passengers upon request


Transit service that is provided through small, on-demand shuttles to nearby locations within a town/city

Demand Response

Typically, door-to-door service where riders call ahead to schedule a trip (e.g., Dial-a-Ride, Call-n-Ride, Access-a-Ride)


Service that is organized in advance by a group of people to travel to and from similar locations at the same time (e.g., commuters in Berthoud traveling to Loveland together)

Local Transit

Open to the general public and operates primarily within a defined area such as a city, town, or county

Intercity Transit

Open to the general public and connects to other transit networks

Regional Transit Service

Open to the general public and connects communities and counties within a region

Interregional public transit

Open to the general public and connects one region of the state to another region

Human Services Transportation

Service provided by a human services agency that is typically for a specific population, such as older adults, people with disabilities, and veterans

Private for-Profit Transportation

Services that are operated privately and can include taxis, resort transportation, and ridehailing services (Uber, Lyft), etc.